Friday 22 June 2007

in the building lift....

In the newly built apartment, with almost nil occupancy, the flats no way own a forlorn look, with all the finishing processes- the furniture noises, the hustle bustle of the owners to see the progress of their flats, the other people with their work etc. Out there is a loyal liftman who without having to take a look up at the public’s faces who enter the lift , carries all from ground floor to their required destination floors. Without managing to see up at the floor keys in the lift, this man is cool, docile and manages to just press the right destination of the floor for the visitor with the touch of fingers. Surprised by this impressive style, "busy" people tend to move on to do their chores undeterred with the sense of amazement...but had they observed the red and white folded stick lying besides the chair on which the lift man sat..

this was an attempt to write a short story..this one is a 138 word story... couldnt make it any shorter :) am sure it can be worked up much better...

please note.. the end has been a bit modified now and it no longer holds to be 138 words..its way more...

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