Thursday, 16 May 2013

The politics of GDP

Recently I came across an article named : "Corporatisation of India's Agriculture - A Ticking time bomb" by Sachin Kumar Jain at One India one people magazine (May 2011)

The article reveals that large corporations are trying to take control over agriculture and consumer behaviour and thus consumption patterns. With no clear policies coming from government to protect the debt ridden farmer the farmer suicides may become rampant. Three facts strike out clearly from the article.

1)" With the 100% FDI , any foreign company can exercise direct control over the production, research and development of seeds, plants , flowers, vegetables, tea etc and other agro products, Animal husbandry and pisciculture have also been included in this purview."

I remember a quote from someone "If you control oil, you control Nations but if you control food , you control - PEOPLE"

2)"With the attempt for new green revolution, government is creating a suitable environment for  the big corporations in the agriculture sector to grow bigger and take control of natural resources and production systems apart from other exemptions will also enjoy 100% exemption from tax on profits for the first five years and 25% exemption for the next five years. Excise duty will be reduced by 50% while the subsidies to the farmer are steadily reduced and withdrawn!"

3) "Forest, land, mineral products, water, mountains are all resources. As long as the forest are left untouched GDP doesn't grow. When the government or company fells the forest, wealth accumulates. When water bubbles in the brooks it has no value for the government. But when a law limiting its use by the people is passed and when control is given to a company in exchange for a hefty price , GDP grows. When people are healthy, the development visualized by Montek and Manmohan Singh doesn't take place, but when people fall ill, GDP grows. "

I have really come to doubt the definition of development. Backward states , Nations are all rich in natural resources and with the "Developing and underdeveloped tag" the so called "Rich" nations would like to rob  "Poor" nations making them "Poorer" by stealing away their Natural resources and production systems !!!! Such is the irony of Development!


Anonymous said...

Is everybody know what true development is? or what do you call it true development?

Is there any body/organization or someone who actually make sure that you are doing right development? I think nobody. There is also no one who make sure that the innovation which has happened and given to the people, they will be used in right direction. It is leftover for people's discretion.

There are no rules or regulation of human thought process. He/she can do what so ever they want. Hence this trading happens between the people, across nations and between business tycoons.

Everybody solve their own sustainability of life/business for nearby future and no one thinking of that if that supreme sustainability is not in place, their own personal sustainability will any how in trouble.

So your discussion may involves many areas - like economy of developed nations, development of poor nations, mankind, business man and big organizations thinking process, politics, elections in that country, ruling party's behavior and their support position, poor and rich people's thought process. Everything some or other way touch to your point. That makes overall GDP floating..!!

Hence this will keep on going..!!

Policy has its own value but human intelligence which has developed in wrong direction can break that policy anyhow. If you call this as a feature for that human or defect, it is very situation dependent.. so is our development dilemma..!!

So keep living and do you bit..

~the same anonymous..

chinmai said...

Thanks anon for sharing your views..agree with your point on no rules and regulation of human though processes.. and people act how they want ...but i think every society either civilised or tribals has its norms either social, cultural or linked to religion... it all boils down to human behaviour in the end.. which can to an extent be trained to do good thorough enforcement through the medium of policy (policy should be such that it brings in long term and short term benefit to the beneficiaries which considers human and ecological as well as economic security) or through bringing in culture through religion and the like.. sustainable is a choice! What we need to think is not just good for us but for others too and more so for the future generation..

Anonymous said...

@chinmai: don't you think so we are in this condition because of this "every society either civilised or tribals has its norms either social, cultural or linked to religion... it all boils down to human behaviour in the end".

What policy are you talking about? These policies are modify,influence and totally change based on need of business tycoons and big business organization. Now who is keeping cap on these things.

" Nations are all rich in natural resources and with the "Developing and underdeveloped tag" the so called "Rich" nations would like to rob "Poor" nations making them "Poorer" by stealing away their Natural resources and production systems !!!! Such is the irony of Development!" --- this is all happening because of poor policy making or playing around with policy.

You talk about sustainable as a choice, right?. I will tell you those innovation in sustainable will also be modified or will be used in such a way one day we might require another word just like "sustainable" to protect our selves. There is no clear guidelines or define process. Hence this result.

Few years back people were using same thing, they don't face any such problem. As our lifestyle grows we are seeing this problem. We are finding one solution than to correct it, we give another solution.. this will keep on going...