Monday, 12 January 2009

Make the most of High!!


JD said...

Make the most of High!! ???
Is it now make the most of now ??

Only Vimal said...

How true.
One should make the most of High. And why not?

chinmai said...

@jaydip: make the most of high was meant to depict that when your are in a high state, when you are in a state wen u are getting things wid lesser struggle ... make the most of such time....

Anonymous said...

In internet terminology make the most of high means use keywords in your website which got highest hits and you get internet traffic effortlessly or with very less effort. But I really don't know in real life such tricky thing works. It is very difficult to understand balance sheet of real life. Sometime you feel that you might be getting something effortlessly but really you are paying something that you really don't know

chinmai said...

@bhavesh: correc; ur internet search was interestig :) ,
the 2nd meaning i can give to this is - make hay when sun shines

Stupidosaur said...

Yeah Yeah! Lets get high!
Talli..Mein Talli..Mein Talli Ho Ga...

Anonymous said...

Can you please describe elaborately: Make hay when sun shines. Sometimes something is very difficult to understand when you have so many meanings

chinmai said...

@bhavesh : make hay wen the sun shines is a proverb, meaning make the most of wat is available or utilise the power/strength of the favourable circumstance

Anonymous said...

Yes I know the meaning is when opportunity comes use it

Thanks for the reply