Sunday, 7 December 2008

I didn't accept the things that I did not understand..
time showed its way...
May be later when I learn its meaning, and accept the things in its undeterred form,
I may have to wait till eternity
or the clock of time to give its say..

should the course of action be in acceptance of things which are not understandable at this point of time or should it hold better to understand the things and wait for time to show its play...


WritingsForLife said...

very well said :-)

Anonymous said...

Develop Systematic logical thinking within you to understand the thing and if internal does not accept the logic of mind then there is very high possibility that your feelings are cheating you. Keeping the balance between logic and feelings is the best way to understand the life

Stupidosaur said...

Accept the ununderstandable only if it seems acceptable.

Do not accept the unacceptable even if it is understandable

-Philosopher Uncle

dishantparikh said...

I think you can use someone's understanding when you are not able to understand the things. May be u will get different views or you might cross your limit of understanding by approaching different ways to understand the things (ofcourse don't get biased)... May be the thing is important for u and never come again so try to do analysis.
There is nothing like u are the first one might facing this problem. May be there are people already have gone through this circumstances. Also,Everyone has a limit of understanding the things..u can expand it yours by using differnt ways how others look at that things....
Day by day your questions are getting difficult..(but i like solving the problem) so, when is the next question...:)

chinmai said...

@raaji : thanks :)
@bhavesh: thanks for dropping by and adding your view.. they are quite deep.. there may be times when there is a conflict wid ur internal logics and feelings .. but may be trying to keep a track of internal th8s and systematic logical thinking is a way out...
@saur: that was quite simple to write but may b not as simple to implement ;)
@dishant : quite true " think you can use someone's understanding when you are not able to understand the things" liked this point..