This is but yet another tag from Cm-chap... ( this was tooooo long ..... chap y cant v cut questions . but this taq is a shortcut of knowing a person ( virtually ofcourse to unknown) faster ;) )
1) Last movie you saw in a theatre?
spiderwick chronicles
2) What book are you reading?
Best of humour - Ruskin bond ( there are many pending books list )
3) Favorite board game?
donno for sure - havent played one since ages
4) Favorite magazine?
it differs .. depends on wat articles i want to read or wat articles catch my attention and also on the availibility of magazine at that point in time
5) Favorite smells?
smell of mitti left wet by rains
6) Favorite thing to do in weekend?
depends ( as of now exploring and seeing places in the city)
7) Worst feeling in the world?
being cheated and left alone to face the consequences
8)What is the first thing you think of when u wakeup?
depends on dream ;)
9) Favorite fast food place?
as of now pizzeria
10) Future child’s name?
hehe wat question is this..
11) Finish this statement --- 'If I had a lot of money'
would luv to visit various countries wid family
12) Do you drive fast?
depends on the thoughts running in my mind and the urgency to reach the destination
13) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
hehe.. not really ( koi aache que nahi mile ;) )
14) Storms -- Cool or Scary?
nothing cool abt it nor so scary that cant bear it...
15) What was your first car?
havent bought one yet
16) Favorite drink?
lot of them ...Masala chai, juices..
17) Finish this statement --- If i had the time i would...
I do have time .. it depends on how and where i spend my time
18) Do you eat the stems on broccoli?
have not brought it at home .. so dont remember but if its served wid stems in the items served at restaurants, yes i ve had ..
19) If you could dye your hair any other color, what would be your choice?
i wud like the ( i guess that was burgundy ) colour of girl in Hutch ad ages back ( wen vodafone was hutch)
20) Name all the different cities/towns you have lived in?
how abt travelled.. ( in that case a long list)
21) Favorite sports to watch?
basketball,tennis,TT, cricket,gymnastics
22) One information about the person who sent this to you?
About cm-chap... suppose to be a configuration management expert a software engg presently enjoying his stay at sydney at company's cost ;)
23) What’s under your bed?
what question is this... i guess apart from air nothing exists...
24) Would you like to be born as yourself again?
Off course...with all the positive changes required to make into a better human than wat i am
25) Morning person or night owl?
morning person
26) Over easy or sunny side up?
didnt get this question
27) Favorite place to relax?
depends..beach,home,wid frnds over cafe etc etc
28) Favorite pie?
all..m a foodie
29) Favorite ice cream flavor?
natural flavours apart from many other flavours
30) Of all the people you have tagged, who is the most likely to respond first?
Toughest to answer... dont knw who wud take it up but wud still like to tag kanan,bhavesh,jaydip,dhionlyone,raaji,hiral, drvimal, jigar and who all are reading and wud luv to take this ( jus buzz in here , wud be glad to reach ur page and read answers)
Oh oh! not again :P
Btw, your answers make a FUN read!!
cool cool :-)
Ha ha .. Very diplomatic ..
@kanan: thanks , for a very speedy response as well :)
@raaji: cool .. wish to see ur blog updated as well :)
@jaydip: yep thodu j che .. badaha ans diplomatic nathi...u too update ur blog nah..wud be nice read as well ..
Ha Ha. Yeah I knw its loooooong tag. Anyways well done.
BTW, did u make out on ur own that CM is Config Mgmt or I told u?
The best feeling in world is to be able to finish a long tag :). nice read and your tag is taken.
@cm-chap: thanks , i guess read it wen u had answered to someone who had questioned of wat does ur blog name mean ..
@bhavesh .. thanks for replying..nice read ..
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