Friday, 16 November 2018


Being rejected at wrong places is a good sign..

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Random musings

For any important internal change to begin - it has to start with penchant within 

Saturday, 1 September 2018

We experience what we want to...

It was what we chose to experience.

During the morning exercise routine of cycling and walking at Racecourse, one can experience multifarious experiences...

first glimpse ...two young poorly dressed playful children with forehead covered with faith smeared 'tilak' ... lead by their mom with 'dhol' and 'chamat' to halt at an appropriate place where her children could do some acrobatic tricks and earn some money in the tune of the 'dhol' being played by her from the health conscious passerby's ...though with almost pauperly existence , faith led them to do what they thought they were good at irrespective of the results ( here in this case some gainful money for their daily existence)

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Group of runners practice a group run....
boosting each others performance .... some lead the pack through their own conviction .. rest take inspiration and keep following the leaders and not give up ...

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A cyclist older then me overtakes me while I am observing... and then soon immediately a young chap overtakes the one who just overtook me...
Competition it was? or the will to test ones own limits...


Father - young son duo , while I take walk in the park are practicing run and exercising ... challenging the son ...
Father son bond it was.. or father as a hero / teacher to befriend his son and then make challenge his limits...

Through out this walk and cycle experience daily .. we try and bond with people of what experience we want to have... all were having fun in their own experience .....
...such is life..some like me cherish in observations too....

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Why don't you try my googles ? I mused ..
with denial and on her face she tried and the world of her opinions changed ....

Thursday, 5 April 2018

Random musings..

Our paths just needs to cross once..

Saturday, 13 January 2018

Random musings!

With the passing time and building on experiences ...I now realize how important time dimension is...give time to every thing and everyone...before it reveals its stories... before being judgmental, before jumping to conclusions...everything will reveal to you in its own course of time ....